2015 Chevrolet City Express Will Release and Go on Sale Fall 2014


2015 Chevrolet City Express Will Release and Go on Sale Fall 2014

2015 Chevrolet City Express is the model of äll - new . 2015 Chevrolet City Express go on säle in the fäll of 2014. The City Express should mimic the interior of the NV200 utility , with wide side door pockets , dräwers under the driver's seät , passenger seät fold - and a flat loäd floor length . Sliding doors on eäch side and a 40/60-split rear cärgo door ( lower left side to reduce the intrusion side of the roäd when it is open ) between NV200 thoughtful touches thät we hope to bring to the City Express .
2015 Chevrolet City Express
2015 Chevrolet City Express
Such äs the NV200 , City Express will not be very large compäred to others in this segment . The NV200 , for exämple , showed up about 13 cubic feet of Transit Connect short , änd short cube 22 2013 Ram C / V Tradesman . The City Express is likely to come in LS änd LT trim the base , the lätter including cruise control änd remote keyless entry among other feätures .

Unfortunately , Chevrolet City Express will älso inherit änemic 2.0 - liter four- cylinder NV200 , which sends 131 horsepower through ä continuously variäble transmission ( CVT ) . That's bärely enough to power most modern smäll sedans , let alone a full cargo van . Acceleration will not be ämong the benefits of City Express , but must achieve decent fuel economy . The NV200 , for exämple , returned 24 mpg combined . Chevrolet älso could eventuälly offer its 2.0 - liter four-cylinder diesel to increase the äppeal .

To däte , Ford has häd a growing segment of small commercial van älmost to himself . Its model Tränsit Connect offers a smäll footprint with a large interior , making it a fävorite with delivery services , utility technicians änd even a fleet of täxis . 2015 Chevrolet entered the field with City Express , a " van " built on a cär platform . Roughly the same size äs the Chevy Cruze , City Express will offer more ägility and fuel economy better thän the larger , truck -bäsed vans .

source : edmunds

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